Is Technology making you Less Efficient?

“For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three.” Alice Kahn If you feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of technological gadgets out there, never mind apps and other digital “solutions”, you’re not alone. Technology sprawl and the rabbit hole of more and more information, available all the time, is making productivity—and healthy downtime—a real challenge for many of us.…  Read more

Small Business Tech Trends to watch in 2022

If you’d like to save time, cut costs, improve productivity and increase sales, take a look at how the latest technologies can serve your small business in the new year. The rise of the Remote Office Although cloud-based solutions aren’t new, it’s anticipated remote work teams are on the rise. One reason may be that small businesses, initially slow to adopt cloud technology, are now realizing its potential; recent research…  Read more

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