Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Attack

Many small business owners assume that cyber attacks only happen to big companies, banks or governments. But the truth is, limited knowledge of digital security and lack of defences make small businesses particularly vulnerable to attack. Research shows that 71% of all cyber attacks happen to businesses with less than 100 employees – and yet many CEOs have yet to invest in a formal defense plan. With cyber attack insurance…  Read more

Ten Ways to Protect your Business from Online Threats

Businesses of all sizes are under constant threat from cybercriminals and malicious software, with even some of the world’s largest and apparently impenetrable organizations making headlines in recent years after falling victims to cyberattacks. Although the risk is generally lower for smaller companies, since they don’t tend to be primary targets for hackers, it is still essential to take every precaution to make sure that you, your employees and your…  Read more

Protect Yourself and Your Data – Proactive Steps for Living Safely in the Digital Age

These days your personal data is everywhere, and that information is valuable to marketers, hackers and everyone in between. If you want to prevent the unauthorized use of your personal information, you need to take a proactive approach to protecting yourself and your identity. You can no longer afford to be blasé about your data security – if you are not taking proactive measures to prevent the use of your…  Read more

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